Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sms/text message received from a mum at my daughters' school:
" Wow! Congratulations on your achievement at the Gold Coast Show! Shona"
My surprised reply:
" Thanks Shona but I haven't got there yet, going tomorrow, did you see my cheese knife? S"
"YES! It won a prize!"
"No ways!! I am so excited"
Following day = family outing to see mum's achievement.
The Gold Coast Woodturners had set up a wonderful exhibition of wood turning at the Gold Coast Show. Amazing, quality work, beautifully finished. Not quite sure how my novice effort was placed 2nd - yes 2nd, maybe there weren't many entries in that category or something : ) however must say I was very proud. The girls got the chance to make a small pyrography bird picture, encouraged by Ray, which was a lovely way for them to have fun on the stand. We watched Eddie & Vince at the lathe and the girls were thrilled with the little wooden boxes they came away with. A word about Ray - Ray turns burls (they are like a growth you see on the side of a tree) into incredible bowls. I watched his demo one evening at the club (he is the advanced class tutor). Was very inspiring. He said he'd mentioned to Anne we must go round to his workshop. I told him he may regret that invitation. I already joke to Anne that she'll be closing the curtains when she sees me coming soon!
And so this incredible journey in wood continues....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

We have the best tutors at the Woodturning club - Anne & Peter. Anne is the most genuine, generous person who also let's me use her lathe at home. In addition to the 3 hours at the club on a Monday night, I go round to Anne's (just a few mins drive away) for another couple of hours on a Tues morning. Alison joined us this week too. I completed the inside of my bowl made from a piece of Silky Oak. It just needs the spigot on the base taken off on Mon night then my first bowl will be finished! Oh the satisfaction, I cannot explain the feeling of achievement and amazment at what I created. The grain is like the hide of an animal, the spots of a leopard or tiny ripples in the sand when the tide goes out. Alison made a miniature Christmas tree; it was lovely. Anne advises, teaches and encourages with such spirit. I feel very lucky.
Also took my husbands cheese knife round to Anne's, to enter in the Gold Coast Show - more for the experience than anything else. Haven't really got any piece good enough at this early stage but intend to have something dazzling in to the next Mudgee show!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

My first creations!
I joined the local wood turning club after watching a demo at an agricultural show. Was hooked on the first night. Amazing to work with the wood, the colours, the grain, the feel of it, the smoothness. Yes, she is hooked.
Started with the honey dippers, large, more refined and then the dinky version. Lots of fun to play with the design. Couldn't believe I could make something after one night at the beginners class. My dad has the first one to open in his birthday parcel.
The cheese knife gave such a great sense of achievement. It was for my husband, for his birthday. Had to wait a week between making it and giving it to him. Was so proud couldn't wait for him to open it!
And then the bowl, my first bowl, green turned ie from a piece of wood that was a tree 2 days earlier. What an experience! Wet shavings flying over my shoulder, into my hair, down my shirt. Can't describe what an amazing experience it was to turn green. The wood was a piece of Camphor Laurel. The smell was intoxicating and the grain so incredible. It turned so easily and the shape seemed to appear before my eyes. The curve at the rim seems just right. Now it's packed in amongst its shavings in a plastic bag, so it doesn't dry too quickly. It was turned rough and I get to work on it again 3 months from now. Ah but can I wait that long.......

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

To blog or not to blog - that was the question. What to blog was next. Then I discovered wood turning. Seriously addicted after the first class. Read on!